House of Books (Könyves ház)


GPS koordináta:   N46.08425 E18.13688

There is room for 4+1 persons, electricity, heating if you yourself put the firewood in the iron stove, convenient beds with linen, kitchen utensils, cooking in a stove or on open fire. Fresh water is delivered from the village, you can bath in a washdish. There is a compost WC outside, a bedchamber inside and a historian's inheritance of books and journals.The basement which is equipped with dishes and a fridge can accommodate 15 people. There isn't any noise, smog or urban luxury. Szedres House nearby is inhabited, they can give you a hand in everything as a caretaker if you need.

Prices: 2000 HUF/person/night, 1000 HUF/a child in a family, it is free from the third child in a family. 1500 HUF/person of a group when booking House of Books and Gingerbread House at the same time. You can come to Cserkút by coach, bike, car or on foot. There is a parking place 500 m far from the house or at BioBia Portal in the village. You can get to the house on a dirt road by land rover. We can drive you from the railway station in Pécs to Cserkút, or by land rover to the hill if needed.

Catering: On request we provide healthy meals made from our bio, local and forestal products. Prices: breakfast: 1500 HUF/person, main meal: 2500 HUF/person.

Lots of program opportunities: withdrawing, meditating, relaxing, walking in the picturesque village (There is a church from the Arpad-era, an ethnological collection, washing-houses, a lake, a valley of a creek, mossy forests, nature reservations, red sandstone rocks, etc.), forestal psychodrama therapy, treasure hunt, rambling in the beautiful nature, hiking e.g. to the Duna-Dráva National Park, the ruins of the monastery of the Paulines on Jakab Hill, Babás szerkövek, Zsongorkő, Pécs), swimming and spelunking in Orfű, visiting the spectacular dripstone cave in Abaliget, climbing rocks, trees and lurking-places, playing Tarzan, collecting mushrooms, herbs and wild garlic, making jam, cooking in a kettle or a furnace, painting, wood-carving, gardening, hoeing, wood-cutting, mowing, kindling nigh-fire, singing...
We also welcome your family member who needs care. If needed, we take care of him/her with pleasure when you are filling up yourself! We gladly baby- or granny-sit! ;)



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             A honlap nem készülhetett volna el Nagy Balázs túratársam baráti segítsége nélkül, aki hallatlan türelemmel viselte a sztrókosan össze-vissza gondolkodó    "megrendelő" hol így legyen, hol úgy legyen" változtatási kéréseit, a "gondolok egyet, telefonálok és azonnal szeretném"-et.